Los Angeles Cosmetic Dentist - Porcelain Veneers Specialist

10700 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 301, Los Angeles, CA 90025

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Top 5 Signs You Need A Porcelain Veneer

When it comes to oral health, delaying treatment can make things worse. Here are the top 5 signs you need a porcelain veneer.

  1. Tooth Decay: If you have extensive tooth decay that cannot be adequately restored with a dental filling, a porcelain crown may be necessary. The crown can cover the decayed tooth structure and provide long-lasting protection against further decay.
  2. Fractured or Cracked Tooth: A porcelain crown can be used to restore a tooth that is fractured or cracked. The crown helps to hold the tooth together and prevent further damage or breakage.
  3. Large Filling or Restoration: When a tooth has a large filling or has undergone multiple restorations, it may become weakened over time. A porcelain crown can provide added strength and support to the tooth, reducing the risk of fracture or further damage.
  4. Root Canal Treatment: Following root canal therapy, a tooth may become weak and more susceptible to fracture. Placing a porcelain crown over the treated tooth helps protect it and restore its function.
  5. Tooth Replacement: Porcelain crowns are also used as part of dental implant restorations or to support dental bridges. They are placed over dental implants or adjacent teeth to replace missing teeth and restore proper chewing and aesthetics.

It is important to note that the decision to place a porcelain crown is typically made after a thorough examination, evaluation of your oral health, and consideration of your specific needs. If you experience any of the above signs or suspect a dental problem, schedule a consult with our practice. We can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend the most appropriate treatment option, which may include a porcelain crown. Enhance your smile. Change your life. Request a consultation with Dr. Dani for Porcelain Veneers

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Risks Associated With Poor Oral Health

Dental hygiene is a crucial aspect of overall well-being that is often overlooked, despite the risks associated with poor oral health. In fact, according to the American Dental Association (ADA), only about 56.8% of adults in the United States brush their teeth twice a day. In addition to brushing and flossing twice daily, many adults underestimate the risks associated with leaving a cavity untreated.

Risks Associated With Poor Oral Health: Ignoring Cavities

To comprehend the risks of leaving a cavity untreated, it is essential to understand what cavities are and how they develop. Cavities, also known as dental caries or tooth decay, are holes or structural damage in the teeth caused by a combination of bacteria, acids, and plaque. They typically occur when the protective enamel on the tooth’s surface is eroded due to poor oral hygiene practices or a diet high in sugars and carbohydrates.

Risks of Untreated Cavities

  1. Pain and Discomfort: Initially, a cavity may not cause noticeable symptoms. However, as it progresses, the decay reaches the dentin, the inner layer of the tooth. At this stage, individuals may experience sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks. As the cavity deepens, the nerve endings within the tooth become exposed, leading to intense pain and discomfort.
  2. Infection and Abscesses: If left untreated, a cavity can progress to the pulp, which contains blood vessels and nerves. This can result in an infection, leading to an abscess. An abscess is a pocket of pus that forms at the root of the tooth, causing severe pain, swelling, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Infections can spread to the surrounding tissues and even enter the bloodstream, posing serious health risks.
  3. Tooth Loss: Untreated cavities can eventually cause irreparable damage to the tooth structure, leading to tooth loss. As the decay progresses, the tooth becomes weakened and may break or fracture. Tooth loss not only affects one’s appearance and self-confidence but also impairs proper chewing and speaking, and may necessitate more invasive and costly dental treatments like dental implants or bridges.
  4. Spread of Infection: Neglected cavities can serve as a breeding ground for bacteria, which can easily spread to neighboring teeth, leading to the development of new cavities. Overall oral health can deteriorate rapidly, requiring extensive dental interventions to restore the mouth’s health and functionality.
  5. Systemic Health Concerns: Recent studies have shown a potential link between oral health and overall systemic health. Untreated cavities and gum disease have been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes complications, respiratory infections, and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Maintaining good oral health can help reduce the risk of these systemic health issues.

Schedule A Cleaning

Professional dental cleaning is a vital component of maintaining your oral health. Even if the dental checkup reveals that you have other problems, teeth cleaning will be the first step to restoring your oral health.

Call (310) 910-9950 today or schedule your appointment online.

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Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

There are numerous benefits of porcelain veneers that impact both your oral health and mental health. Dr. Dani specializes in expertly crafting the best-tailored porcelain veneers for any conditions or issues. The result is a brilliant smile that will positively impact your appearance and in many cases, change your life for the better. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), porcelain veneers have a long lifespan, with 95% of veneers lasting for at least 10 years.

Top Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a permanent cosmetic dentistry solution to treat a variety of aesthetic issues, including:

  •  Misshapen teeth
  •  Cracked or chipped teeth
  •  Worn edges
  •  Spaces/gaps
  •  Discoloration and stains
  •  Uneven surfaces

A study published in the Journal of Dentistry found that porcelain veneers are highly effective at improving the appearance of teeth, with patients reporting high levels of satisfaction with the procedure. Not only that, Porcelain veneers can improve a person’s confidence and self-esteem by enhancing the appearance of their smile. Research has shown that feeling self-conscious about one’s teeth can have a negative impact on mental health, leading to feelings of embarrassment, shame, and anxiety. By addressing cosmetic dental issues, porcelain veneers can help individuals feel more comfortable and confident in social situations, leading to improved mental well-being. Additionally, porcelain veneers are stain-resistant, which can encourage individuals to maintain good oral hygiene habits and avoid foods and drinks that can cause tooth discoloration.

If you are interested in a lifetime of beautiful, white teeth with porcelain veneers, contact us today. Call (310) 910-9950 today or schedule your appointment online.

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Top Dental Cosmetic Surgery Procedures 2023

If you’re looking for a smile upgrade, here are the top dental cosmetic surgery procedures this 2023. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), teeth whitening is the most requested cosmetic dental procedure in the United States, with over 80% of patients requesting this treatment. Additionally, a survey conducted by the AACD found that 99.7% of Americans believe that a smile is an important social asset, and 96% of adults believe that a beautiful smile makes a person more attractive. Using the latest technological advances and techniques in cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Dani can help you:

  •  Perfect your smile
  •  Feel more confident when smiling
  •  Laugh more often
  •  Feel bolder in your professional and social interactions

A beautiful smile can help you make a great first impression, and even help you influence the mood of the people around you. More importantly, it can make you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin, so you can live your best life without holding back. Unfortunately, some people who are unhappy with their smiles also have low self-esteem, which prevents them from achieving their goals and dreams

Top Dental Cosmetic Surgery Procedures 2023

Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are an excellent option for a variety of unwanted conditions like uneven or chipped teeth, discoloration, gaps, and crooked or misshapen teeth. A thin layer of porcelain material is bonded to the front surface of the teeth for a permanent, sparkling solution to most aesthetic dental issues. To find out more about these stunning veneers, including the cost of porcelain veneers and whether or not they’re right for you, visit our porcelain veneers page.

Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening or bleaching is one of the quickest and easiest ways to a better-looking smile. If you have discolored or yellowing teeth, setting up a teeth whitening treatment is an excellent step to get your smile looking great in a pinch. Dr. Dani offers in-house treatment for instant results as well as at-home whitening solutions under his supervision.

Contouring and Reshaping
Dr. Dani can expertly contour and reshape your teeth for a uniform smile with an incredibly natural look and feel. This service may be right for you if you have crooked, chipped, overlapping, or slightly misshapen teeth and is usually accompanied by bonding for best results. If you have a misaligned bite, contouring and reshaping can often help to repair both aesthetic and mechanical issues.

Interested in cosmetic dentistry but don’t know where to start? We can help. Call (310) 910-9950 today or schedule your appoinment online.

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What Is Cosmetic Dentistry & Do I Need It?

Are you wondering “what is cosmetic dentistry” and if you need it? Cosmetic dentistry in Los Angeles is a competitive space, but Dr. Dani continues to stand out from the fray for his incomparable level of quality and service trusted by countless celebrities, local professionals, and people all over the country. So what is cosmetic dentistry? It is a branch of dentistry that focuses on improving the appearance of a person’s teeth, gums, and bite.

Types of cosmetic dental treatments that can improve your smile aesthetic and oral health:

Dental veneers.

These are thin, custom-made shells that are placed over the front of the teeth to improve their appearance. They are often used to cover up stains, chips, cracks, or other imperfections.

Dental bonding.

This involves applying a tooth-colored resin material to the surface of the teeth to improve their appearance. It can be used to fix small chips or cracks in the teeth or to improve the shape or size of a tooth.

Dental implants.

These are artificial tooth roots that are placed into the jawbone to support a replacement tooth or bridge. Dental implants can improve the appearance of your smile by filling in gaps left by missing teeth.


Orthodontic treatment, such as braces or clear aligners, can be used to straighten crooked or misaligned teeth, resulting in a more attractive smile and improved dental health.

Gum contouring.

This involves reshaping the gum line to improve the appearance of a gummy smile or to make the teeth look longer.

These are just some of the most important types of cosmetic dental treatments. The right treatment for you will depend on your specific needs and goals. Schedule a consultation today to determine which treatment or combination of treatments is right for you.

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Signs You Need Porcelain Veneers

While smile restoration is one of the most popular reasons patients look into porcelain veneers, we’ve compiled our list of top signs a patient might need porcelain veneers. Dr. Dani is considered somewhat of a celebrity dentist in Los Angeles for his expertise in crafting custom veneers that have a truly transformative effect not only on the smile but also on the inner person.

Signs You Need Porcelain Veneers

Discolored teeth.

If your teeth are severely discolored and have not responded to other whitening treatments, porcelain veneers may be a good option to restore the appearance of your teeth.

Chipped or cracked teeth.

If you have chipped or cracked teeth, porcelain veneers can be used to cover and protect the damaged areas while also improving the overall appearance of the teeth.

Gaps between teeth.

If you have gaps between your teeth that are too large to be corrected with orthodontic treatment, porcelain veneers can be used to close the gaps and create a more even and uniform smile.

Misshapen or irregular teeth.

If you have teeth that are misshapen, irregularly sized or spaced, porcelain veneers can be used to create a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Worn down teeth.

If your teeth have become worn down due to grinding or other factors, porcelain veneers can be used to restore the length and shape of the teeth.

While veneers can provide a dramatic improvement in the appearance of the teeth, they may not be suitable for all individuals and cases. Call Dr. Dani today to set up a porcelain veneers consultation.

Call (310) 910-9950 today or schedule your appoinment online.

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Broken Tooth Restoration

Porcelain veneers are one of the best options for patients looking for broken tooth restoration. Porcelain veneers are made of extremely thin medical-grade ceramic (aka porcelain). They provide a shell-like covering for a natural effect that matches the existing teeth. Veneers are stain resistant and can even be used to reposition teeth for certain orthodontic adjustments.


If you’re a suitable candidate for porcelain veneers, Dr. Dani will design your treatment plan using imaging technologies, so you have a preview of what to expect after treatment.

Dr. Dani will make an impression of the prepared teeth and use it to make a mold of your mouth, which will then be sent to a lab to fabricate your porcelain veneers. Temporary veneers will be placed to avoid any sensitivity and will be replaced with permanent custom veneers on your next appointment. Read more about our Porcelain Veneers Process.

Most people can improve their smile using porcelain veneers, but it is important to have your teeth examined for other problems that may need to be addressed first before veneer placement. Please contact us to schedule an appointment with Dr. Dani for an initial consultation to determine if you are a candidate for porcelain veneers.

Call (310) 910-9950 today or schedule your appointment online.

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How To Get Teeth Whiter This 2023

Patients looking for ways to get teeth whiter this 2023 have two options: in-office whitening treatment, or home-based treatment customized by Dr.Dani. Teeth whitening is a fast and easy way to take years off your appearance and maintain a healthy, happy countenance. Dr. Dani is passionate about enhancing his patients’ smiles by whitening their teeth with the most conservative techniques, while also improving their oral health and general well-being.

Ways To Get Whiter Teeth

Home-Based Whitening
For gradual whitening at home, Dr. Dani will create custom plastic trays that fit your teeth precisely and hold the right amount of whitening gel to achieve the desired bleaching effect. Under his supervision, you can dramatically transform your smile in the comfort of your own home.

In-Office Whitening
Dr. Dani also offers advanced whitening systems to remove stains on tooth enamel and lighten the shade of your teeth, up to eight shades lighter! With the in-office whitening treatment, you’ll go home with a whiter, more youthful smile after one, 45 to 60-minute bleaching session. Depending on the desired outcome, you may require additional sessions.


Whatever you need to enhance your smile and get it looking the way you want, Dr. Dani can provide you with a personalized treatment plan with a range of cosmetic procedures, including teeth whitening, bonding, porcelain veneers, porcelain bridges, and more.

We recommend that you visit Dr. Dani regularly to enjoy great dental health and a beautiful smile for life. Please call us to schedule a routine dental checkup for the entire family.

Call (310) 910-9950 today or schedule your appoinment online.

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Choosing Between Porcelain Veneers or Porcelain Crowns

If you’ve been deemed a good candidate for a full smile makeover, then it may come down to choosing between porcelain veneers and porcelain crowns. For more severe cases of tooth damage, Dr.Dani will likely recommend crowns.

Porcelain Veneers Example

Choosing Between Porcelain Veneers or Porcelain Crowns: What’s The Difference?

Both veneers and crowns are similar in their procedure, design process, and final appearance, they do have their differences and ideal circumstances in which one is better than the other. Key differences include:

  • A porcelain crown placement strengthens the structural integrity of the tooth, restores its proper size, shape, and function, and improves its appearance. Teeth are naturally strong, but years of wear and tear, decay, trauma, or other damage can weaken the teeth and compromise their functioning. Porcelain crown placement is a quick and painless procedure that will give your damaged teeth new life and improve the appearance of your smile.
  • Porcelain veneers are a permanent cosmetic dentistry solution to treat a variety of aesthetic issues, but is more cosmetic than fully restorative.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Dani who will determine the best course of action to make sure you get the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Many of our patients are long distance. If you don’t live in the Los Angeles area and want to enlist Dr. Dani as your premier cosmetic dentist for porcelain veneers, we’ll work with you to tailor a plan that fits your schedule and perform consultations via FaceTime, Skype, or Whatsapp.

If you are interested in a lifetime of beautiful, white teeth with porcelain veneers, contact us today. Call (310) 910-9950 today or schedule your appoinment online.

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Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

The main benefits of porcelain veneers are their life expectancy, resistance to cavities, and the overall improvement patients exude when they achieve their best smile. Dr. Dani specializes in expertly crafting the best-tailored porcelain veneers for any conditions or issues. 

Additional Benefits Of Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a permanent cosmetic dentistry solution to treat a variety of aesthetic issues, including:

  •  Misshapen teeth
  •  Cracked or chipped teeth
  •  Worn edges
  •  Spaces/gaps
  •  Discoloration and stains
  •  Uneven surfaces

To find out more, including the cost of porcelain veneers, visit our Porcelain Veneers FAQ page. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Dani who will determine the best course of action to make sure you get the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Many of our patients are long distance. If you don’t live in the Los Angeles area and want to enlist Dr. Dani as your premier cosmetic dentist for porcelain veneers, we’ll work with you to tailor a plan that fits your schedule and perform consultations via FaceTime, Skype, or Whatsapp.

If you are interested in a lifetime of beautiful, white teeth with porcelain veneers, contact us today. Call (310) 910-9950 today or schedule your appoinment online.

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So glad I found Dr. Dani! Looking forward to getting my perfect smile!While consulting with Dr. Dani about Invisalign, I at no point felt pressured nor felt as though he was trying to sell me something. Thank you so much.

Dani is amazing. He has incredible bed-side manner, thoroughly went through the process, recommended a strategy to address all the goals and he did everything as promised.